Saturday, November 30, 2013

My New Babies

On Black Friday I went to the Bloomingdales outlet and I met these babies. I instantly fell in love and I brought them. I got them for $53 with the sale discount. The original price was $150 so I couldn't resist these babies when I saw the sale price. Shoes like these are so my style and I can't wait to wear them. I also got a pair of black wedge over the knee boots at Aldo for $40 and the original price was $200 (now that's a steal). These boots were sold out at the store so the sales clerk ordered them online for me. I can't wait for my other babies to come in the mail. I've been having my eye on them for a long time. 

Side note: I'm not a big shoe person but I love boots and booties. I always buy shoes on sale unless it's a must have and that only happens every blue moon. So ladies if you have your eye on a shoe be patient because most of the time it will go on sale. 

Friday, November 29, 2013

Werk Them Legs Girl

Went to the gym this morning and had a great workout. Today I focused a lot on cardio and legs (trying to burn Thanksgiving fat). I took some pics of a piece of my workout....hope you enjoy :-)


Lying leg lifts

High glute kickbacks

Floor bridge


And being silly as always 

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Say What

I was on Instagram today and I saw a post about this beautiful young lady named Vanessa. She was informed by her school that if she don't cut her natural hair she will face expulsion. SAY WHAT?????????? Now this is crazy and what kind of message the school is sending to the students, families, and the community. I have natural hair and I would be angry if someone told me to cut my hair to remain somewhere. I don't understand the reasoning behind the school decision and I'm getting frustrated writing this post. If you want to read more about this story click here: Below is a picture of Vanessa:

Vanessa you are gorgeous and I love your hair please don't allow people to tell you otherwise.

Photo courtesy:

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

It's that time Again

Are you guys excited for Thanksgiving? Are you ready to laugh, joke, talk and eat with your love ones? Well I am, something about the holidays puts me in a good mood. Now I know it's the holiday and we all (including myself) will divulge in delicious food. If you're on this healthy lifestyle and is worried about sticking to your guns without the pressure of love ones here are a few suggestions:

1. BE PATIENT: people are going to look at you and ask you questions like "You on a diet?" Or "Why you not eating?" Some will even make comments such as " Girl you skinny you need to eat some more" or "Girl it's just the holiday you're suppose to eat all you want." Now I know these comments are going to frustrate you but don't get mad. Your love ones don't know any better. Once you understand that their on a different journey than you then those questions won't be as frustrating. So take a deep breath and have some patient when dealing with love ones or just explain that this is a lifestyle not a diet. If they don't understand then OH WELL. 

2. PORTION CONTROL: imagine yourself at the dinner table and you see turkey, yams, chicken, rice, macroni, mash potatoes, chitlins, rolls, collard greens, and all of your favorites. You're getting real anxious because you want to eat it all, you're getting pressure by others to eat everything and you've been waiting patiently to eat all day. It's ok to have a cheat moment but don't OD and put everything on your plate. If your favorite is dessert try to cut back on the juice or soda or maybe some carbs. Pick and choose what you really want and what you can do without. 

3. DRINK OR NOT: now there nothing wrong with have a couple glasses of wine or glass of your favorite drink. Before you visit love ones make a decision on your drinking limit. Once you make the decision try to stay true to YOUR decision. Now I know it can be challenging because once again you're getting pressure to drink with family and friends but you can say NO. You can also practice saying NO in the mirror if that helps. Just stay true to your lifestyle because it's your life. 

4. BRING A DISH: if you are concern that there will be no healthy options on Thanksgiving then bring your own dish. At least you will have something to eat and it's a good way to introduce others on how tasteful eating clean can be. Hey you may convert others to adapt or think about having a healthy lifestyle. Make something fun, new or different. I will be making a healthy dish for my family ( I hope it goes wells lol). 

5. HAVE FUN: this is the time for people to get together and enjoy each other company. So make sure you laugh, socialize, and just relax. 

6. BE GRATEFUL: some people don't have anywhere to go for the holiday. So please be grateful that you have food, shelter, and people to spend time with. Be bless people and don't take life for granted. 

7. ROUTINE: don't fall off on your routine if you have a couple of cheat meals it's ok don't beat yourself up. Make sure you get right back to your eating clean and train hard routine. 

I hope you guys have a great Thanksgivings 

Photo courtesy of:

Monday, November 25, 2013

Mad Love

Special shoutout to my boothang for posting my blog on her blog. My blog is spanking new and it's so nice that my friend supports it. Now you guys need to check her fabulous blog:

Quote for the day

Love this... No excuses guys 

Check my IG to see my workout:natural_chelly 

Green Smoothie

Morning green smoothie: spinach, banana, strawberry, mango and chia seeds 

Sunday, November 24, 2013

New Veggie

I went grocery shopping today and brought butternut squash. I wanted to try something new and I love trying different veggies. I made it with my dinner but I wasn't a fan of butternut squash. It wasn't bad but it wasn't good either. I don't know how to explain the taste but at least I tried it. Here's a pic: 

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Roquita in the House

Today I decided to put clip-on extensions in my hair. I was meeting up with the girls and was feeling myself so my inner Roquita came out for the night. Roquita had a good time and she was WINNING tonight lol. Here are some pics:

Friday, November 22, 2013

Good ole Seeds

I went to Wegmans to buy a couple of things and noticed the lady giving pomegranate seeds samples. It was my first time trying the seeds and it was good. I brought some and this is how I used them: 

Thursday, November 21, 2013

My TRX Experience

My TRX Workout Experience

I had watch TRX videos that were posted on instagram and I immediately wanted to try it. I brought a 2 week boxing groupon deal for Title Boxing in Springfield, Va. I noticed on their schedule that they had TRX classes and I was super excited. Long story short I paid for TRX classes and now my TRX class came to an end.

Things I Enjoyed: when it came to stretching it felt amazing, you will feel every bone in your body, you will get stronger in your core, the trainer was sweet and fun, it was a small class, full body workout, my boyfriend took the classes with me, and the trainer gave us a good deal

Challenges: my core is weak so some of the workouts were very challenging, once I started to get the hang of the group classes it came to an end (I was mad because the next round of classes is schedule for next year; so I will have to start from beginning again), I research other TRX classes but they are very expensive so I don’t know what I’m going to do.

Overall, I really enjoyed my time in TRX and wish I could continue the class with the trainer. If you guys are in the Springfield, Va area Title boxing is awesome. The staff is very friendly, the classes are intense, and they have gym equipment if you are not interested in their group classes.

I posted two short videos of my last TRX class.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Stylish Girl Moment

I love me some booties. They are so cute and fashionable. I'm so feeling my vintage booties. Have a good day world. 

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Who Run Dat

Trainer: run down the street and back
Me: attitude face .…Ugh I hate running
This is how I reacted when anyone told me to run. I never cared for running or thought about running in my spare time.I felt like running took so much energy, I immediately felt the pain in my legs, I was out of breath, and I kept telling myself this was hard. One day when I took BT (personal trainer) boot camp class he had us run down the street back and forth for two minutes (it had a hill as well). Do you know I was the last one who finished the task? Mind you there were people in the class that was older than me. It was bad enough my momma finished before me. At that moment, I decided that I had to do better. I couldn’t have these people outrun me like that. I started to run laps around the track until I got tired. My goal was to be able to run a mile. It took me a while to get there but I finally did it. From there it’s been a wrap, running became something I enjoy. After a while, I invested in some running shoes (Nike outlet is poppin they had a good deal) and I plan to buy some running gear for the winter. I really enjoy running outdoors but when it gets really cold my ass will be indoors on the treadmill. I couldn’t believe that I actually enjoy running. I was the girl who hated running and would give you the stank face if I was told to run any where. If you set your mind to it you can do it. It’s not going to be easy but it will be worth it. Now my goal is to start running 5k, 8k, and 10k. Shit I might be the next track star for the US Olympics lol but you get it.
SN: today I ran 4 miles (doing my happy dance) :-)

Friday, November 15, 2013

Guess what I did this morning?

OMG today I decided to wake up early and workout. Usually I don't workout in the morning because I like to get my beauty sleep. Something deep down in me told me to wake up early and go to the gym and that's what I did. I went to my bf apartment gym and ran on the treadmill. Needless to say, my ass ran 3.5 miles "I'm so HYPE." This is the furthest I ever ran and I am super excited. I will explain my new love for running in another post. Anywhoo I had more energy afterwards and decided to do an upper body workout. Overall, I'm just hyped that a ran 3.5 miles and I look forward to see how far I can go. Enjoy your day my fellow stylish fitties ( I made that word up) 😄💪

Thursday, November 14, 2013

My Fitness Journey

McDonalds, Popeyes, fried foods, bread, alcohol, rice, juice, chips and many other types of junk food is what I put into my body for 24 years. Going out to eat rather than cooking at home was my lifestyle.  So how did I begin my fitness journey???

Well I started grad school in fall 2009 and I lost weight due to stress from being in grad school, internship and working part time. I didn't complain about the weight loss because I was looking good. I stopped eating McDonalds once I entered grad school for some strange reason but it was a great decision. I also reduced my juice intake and started to drink water but I still ate fast food and junk food. After I graduated from grad school, I continued to eat unhealthy and drink alcohol. In 2012 my family and I made a decision to get healthy and workout. We started to work out with a personal trainer(BT Fitness located in Alexandria, Va) in June 13, 2012. My goal was to lose weight and get a flat stomach (I still want a flat stomach). This trainer changed my life and I was hooked. Exercising with a trainer was not easy but he pushed me to do better. I saw changes in my body and I started to TRY to eat healthier. I would eat clean for a month or so then relapse and this became my eating clean pattern. I stop eating fast food/restaurants and began cooking more but I still craved French fries, boneless wings, bread or anything that was carbs. I was getting stronger physically but eating dirty and my trainer constantly encouraged me to eat clean. We continued to workout with BT until February 2013. At this point, exercising became a hobby or a lifestyle but I was still struggling with food. Even though I struggled with food I educated myself about  processed food, healthy fats, organic food, etc and this is when I began to eat better and read labels. Fast forward to today----->>> I still enjoy working out, I'm getting better with eating clean, and I'm determine to get a flat stomach. I cook more often, I meal prep my lunch for the week, I drink smoothies (I make my own smoothies), I eat 5 to 6 times a day, I don't eat fast food, I eat more vegetables and fruits, I stop drinking alcohol ( I will drink wine every once in a while), and I only drink water (I recently started to drink 3 liters of water a day). I'm not going to front I do eat Tostitos scoops whole grain chips, mini pretzels, Mexican food, Jamaican food, carbs <----- I don't eat this food all the time but these are my cheat meals.  I'm no expert but I'm working to do better and I will be better. I don't have a weight goal but I do want a flat stomach. My overall, goal is to maintain a healthy LIFESTYLE and this is what my blog will display--my journey on becoming fit, healthy, strong, and happy.

 I posted a picture from undergrad at my biggest to a recent pic this year.

Feel free to leave any comments or share your journey.