Tuesday, November 26, 2013

It's that time Again

Are you guys excited for Thanksgiving? Are you ready to laugh, joke, talk and eat with your love ones? Well I am, something about the holidays puts me in a good mood. Now I know it's the holiday and we all (including myself) will divulge in delicious food. If you're on this healthy lifestyle and is worried about sticking to your guns without the pressure of love ones here are a few suggestions:

1. BE PATIENT: people are going to look at you and ask you questions like "You on a diet?" Or "Why you not eating?" Some will even make comments such as " Girl you skinny you need to eat some more" or "Girl it's just the holiday you're suppose to eat all you want." Now I know these comments are going to frustrate you but don't get mad. Your love ones don't know any better. Once you understand that their on a different journey than you then those questions won't be as frustrating. So take a deep breath and have some patient when dealing with love ones or just explain that this is a lifestyle not a diet. If they don't understand then OH WELL. 

2. PORTION CONTROL: imagine yourself at the dinner table and you see turkey, yams, chicken, rice, macroni, mash potatoes, chitlins, rolls, collard greens, and all of your favorites. You're getting real anxious because you want to eat it all, you're getting pressure by others to eat everything and you've been waiting patiently to eat all day. It's ok to have a cheat moment but don't OD and put everything on your plate. If your favorite is dessert try to cut back on the juice or soda or maybe some carbs. Pick and choose what you really want and what you can do without. 

3. DRINK OR NOT: now there nothing wrong with have a couple glasses of wine or glass of your favorite drink. Before you visit love ones make a decision on your drinking limit. Once you make the decision try to stay true to YOUR decision. Now I know it can be challenging because once again you're getting pressure to drink with family and friends but you can say NO. You can also practice saying NO in the mirror if that helps. Just stay true to your lifestyle because it's your life. 

4. BRING A DISH: if you are concern that there will be no healthy options on Thanksgiving then bring your own dish. At least you will have something to eat and it's a good way to introduce others on how tasteful eating clean can be. Hey you may convert others to adapt or think about having a healthy lifestyle. Make something fun, new or different. I will be making a healthy dish for my family ( I hope it goes wells lol). 

5. HAVE FUN: this is the time for people to get together and enjoy each other company. So make sure you laugh, socialize, and just relax. 

6. BE GRATEFUL: some people don't have anywhere to go for the holiday. So please be grateful that you have food, shelter, and people to spend time with. Be bless people and don't take life for granted. 

7. ROUTINE: don't fall off on your routine if you have a couple of cheat meals it's ok don't beat yourself up. Make sure you get right back to your eating clean and train hard routine. 

I hope you guys have a great Thanksgivings 

Photo courtesy of: blogofteresa.com

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