Thursday, November 14, 2013

My Fitness Journey

McDonalds, Popeyes, fried foods, bread, alcohol, rice, juice, chips and many other types of junk food is what I put into my body for 24 years. Going out to eat rather than cooking at home was my lifestyle.  So how did I begin my fitness journey???

Well I started grad school in fall 2009 and I lost weight due to stress from being in grad school, internship and working part time. I didn't complain about the weight loss because I was looking good. I stopped eating McDonalds once I entered grad school for some strange reason but it was a great decision. I also reduced my juice intake and started to drink water but I still ate fast food and junk food. After I graduated from grad school, I continued to eat unhealthy and drink alcohol. In 2012 my family and I made a decision to get healthy and workout. We started to work out with a personal trainer(BT Fitness located in Alexandria, Va) in June 13, 2012. My goal was to lose weight and get a flat stomach (I still want a flat stomach). This trainer changed my life and I was hooked. Exercising with a trainer was not easy but he pushed me to do better. I saw changes in my body and I started to TRY to eat healthier. I would eat clean for a month or so then relapse and this became my eating clean pattern. I stop eating fast food/restaurants and began cooking more but I still craved French fries, boneless wings, bread or anything that was carbs. I was getting stronger physically but eating dirty and my trainer constantly encouraged me to eat clean. We continued to workout with BT until February 2013. At this point, exercising became a hobby or a lifestyle but I was still struggling with food. Even though I struggled with food I educated myself about  processed food, healthy fats, organic food, etc and this is when I began to eat better and read labels. Fast forward to today----->>> I still enjoy working out, I'm getting better with eating clean, and I'm determine to get a flat stomach. I cook more often, I meal prep my lunch for the week, I drink smoothies (I make my own smoothies), I eat 5 to 6 times a day, I don't eat fast food, I eat more vegetables and fruits, I stop drinking alcohol ( I will drink wine every once in a while), and I only drink water (I recently started to drink 3 liters of water a day). I'm not going to front I do eat Tostitos scoops whole grain chips, mini pretzels, Mexican food, Jamaican food, carbs <----- I don't eat this food all the time but these are my cheat meals.  I'm no expert but I'm working to do better and I will be better. I don't have a weight goal but I do want a flat stomach. My overall, goal is to maintain a healthy LIFESTYLE and this is what my blog will display--my journey on becoming fit, healthy, strong, and happy.

 I posted a picture from undergrad at my biggest to a recent pic this year.

Feel free to leave any comments or share your journey.

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